Magnus groove slider with zirc plate - fidget toy

Magnus groove slider with zirc plate - fidget toy

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Slightly used Magnus peak slider with zirc plates. 

Retails for 229 before shipping.

This slider is based on the well-known "Pebble™" slider - but with grooves added for significant grip.

I call this slider the Grooveslider.

Although this is (arguably) one of the simplest-looking sliders I make ...the time it takes to make it results in it being the second most time-consuming slider in the current line-up (only surpassed by the Turtle™).
Without going into too much of the "dirty CNC details" - it's the curved surface on the top that takes most of the time (I'm talking over an hour just to machine this area alone!).
The finger-grooves on these are the most aggressive I've done on a slider yet - but, weirdly, the overall look of the Groove slider is still quite curved and smooth.


Teflon® (PTFE Sliding Plates)

Just like the old saying goes...

Teflon® (also known as PTFE) may be the greatest thing in slider plates since sliced bread!

9 Months ago I designed and made my first slider with brass insert plates (this had never been done before ...a true world first). I then "dimpled" the design to improve the sliding experience.

After many months of trialing different materials (including bronze, stainless steel, copper, Vesconite plastic, bronze-filled plastic, etc. etc.). Zirconium was the hands-down winner ...and it's what I've been installing in sliders ever since.

However, recent trialing of Teflon® as slider plates has resulted in me questioning using Zirconium.”

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