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Outlier washiworks - Black - 28 x 32 - new

Outlier washiworks - Black - 28 x 32 - new

Regular price $198.95 USD
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Outlier washiworks - 28 x 32 - new

 A cool-handed take on the Duckworks for all the material fetishists out there. Washiabaca Canvas is a very new fabric made from washi paper yarns utilizing the fibers from abacá plants. The result is a robust canvas with a dry touch that takes on lots of crinkled character.

A very new fabric with ancient roots. A heavyweight canvas made from washi processed abacá yarns. Abacá is a traditional Philippine fiber also known as manilla hemp. Historically it was used to make rope and turned into a heavy-duty paper which manilla folders and envelopes are made. Washi yarns are a traditional Japanese process were washi paper was cut and twisted into yarns that could then be woven into fabric. Halfway in-between Japan and the Philippines is Taiwan, where the process of turning abacá into washi yarns was perfected on an industrial scale, enabling the creation of something quite different and modern.


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